Advanced Fusion Matrix for Rapid Sternal Healing
Dramatically Improve Patient Outcomes with Patented Sternal Grafting Technology
For most patients the most painful and difficult aspect of major chest surgery is the post-operative recovery from the sternal wound. The patented ThoraGraft by ThoraGenix offers the most advanced surgical method for:
Significantly decreasing pain
Reducing blood loss and infection
Improving healing for faster recovery

A graft for significant sternal healing improvement
A Single Added Step Can Save Lives and Money with No Changes to Surgical Technique

Flexible, fibrous fusion allows rapid transfer of blood cells, exosomes, hemostatic agents and other biologics into the wound.

Creates an immobilized, static healing environment while providing cushioning from micromovements for faster healing.

Biological mimicking matrix comprised of demineralized bone structure for better fusion.
Sternal Fusion Technology
for Rapid & Long Term Healing
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The average patient ICU stay with TheraGraft can be as little as 7 hours.
Reduced Risk of post-op
With faster extubation and more rapid healing, patients were less likely to experience dangerous infection or illness.
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reduction in post-op blood drainage
The average drainage can be as little as 70 mL compared to 400 mL.
Reduced Pain
Less pain can lead to improved patient mobility, comfort, appetite, attitude, wellbeing and overall healing.